The Associated Writing Programs conference descends on NYC this weekend. Â That means some 7000 (!) writers, new books and journals to buy and way too many good readings all scheduled at the same time.Â
So, if you are in New York, come on.  I’m doing a signing for The Second Reason and reading with a bunch of folks from the amazing Not For Mothers Only anthology on Saturday night.  Fence Books party following the reading. Details below:
Jenny Browne Booksigning
Saturday, February 2, 1:30-2:30 p.m.
UT Press/ Tables 206 and 207,
Americas Hall I, 3rd floor
Hilton New York & Sheraton New York Hotel & Towers
Not for Mothers Only Anthology Reading
Saturday, February 2, 7pm
NYU Lillian Vernon Creative Writers House
58 West 10th Street
(between Fifth Avenue and Avenue of the Americas)
Free and open to the public.
Featuring poets Lee Ann Brown, Gillian Conoley, Beth Ann Fennelly, Miranda Field, Annie Finch, Akilah Oliver, Alicia Ostriker, Molly Peacock, Eleni Sikelianos, Anne Waldman, Zhang Er, Rachel Zucker, and more
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