book review, radio show and the fat of the land

The Texas Observer recently published my review of Tales for Little Rebels, NYU Press’ new anthology of radical kid lit.   

Also, the lively JoEllen Schilke was kind enough to invite me on her radio show, Art In Your Ear.  You can listen to it on their archives. Scroll down and click on 1/30/09.  I’m the second half, so if you fast forward about 30 minutes in, you get to hear Tom Waits do his thing and then me ramble on about poetry for a while.

Finally, my friend Martha Silano’s husband is featured in Bon Appetit this month talking about foraging for foods in the wild.  His blog, Fat of the Land is good fun and great cooking.  Makes me want to go eat the cactus in my front yard. Or something.

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